Learn more about the sponsors and partners that support our event!

Our Sponsors

THANK YOU to the sponsors of MHFM for this season!

Find out how to become a sponsor by emailing murrayhillfarmersmarket@gmail.com

Title “Harvester” Level Sponsor: Front Porch Pickings

It makes perfect sense for Front Porch Pickings to be our Title Sponsor, as their values align closely to those of MHFM. Both entities strive to bridge the gap in our community’s food supply.

Front Porch Pickings was founded in 2010, passionate about providing our community with easy access to good, clean, local food. They are also dedicated to supporting the other end of the system, providing fair and just compensation to the farmers that work to grow and produce our food. FPP is locally focused, woman owned, socially responsible and sustainably sourced.

Front Porch Pickings offers customizable subscription farm boxes delivered to your doorstep. You can pick a box and delivery frequency that fits your needs; the ability to customize your farm box from the weekly available items is very rare! They do all of the work for you, selecting the highest quality local produce and bringing it all to one virtual place - all you have to do is pick and choose which foods you want for the week.

Front Porch Pickings farm boxes support over 75 Florida farmers and artisans!

FPP and MHFM both act as connection points between the the producer and the consumer. They are both systems created to connect people to local food, a concept as old as time but severely under-appreciated in today’s world. Our grocery stores (besides specialty stores) only provide a limited amount of local goods, and over the past century many of us have become more and more reliant on food that is sourced from all over the country because of convenience. What we have failed to realize in the strive for convenience is that fresh, local food is not only more sustainable but actually healthier too. Front Porch Pickings and Murray Hill Farmers Market both work to present another option for those who value local food, as well as spread awareness on the benefits of getting food from local farmers and producers.

Please visit frontporchpickings.com for more info and recipe ideas!

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Title “Harvester” Level Sponsor: Soil Life Organics

It all starts with the soil. The microbiology and ecosystems that exist beneath our feet are incredibly important to what’s beyond the surface of the ground, similar to how our gut microbiome is inherently connected to our overall body health.

Soil Life Organics is committed to this notion of the importance of soil biology health. SLO offers their knowledge and experience to assist customers in assessment of the three pillars of their soil’s health: soil structure, soil minerals and soil biology.

One of the three objectives of the Murray Hill Farmers Market is to promote the importance of, and educate the community on regenerative agriculture. Soil health is a major component and a backbone of agriculture. As examples of successful regenerative farming continue to emerge, research helps us to realize more and more just how crucial it is to consider soil biology when attempting to grow food, especially at a large scale; healthy food, that is.

Soil Life Organics is a local, grassroots company that offers full service solutions to help you optimize the performance of your soils, whether you’re looking to grow food crops, lovely landscapes, or anything else; SLO offers their services to anyone from a backyard grower to a large-scale operating farm! All products and services use methods that are backed by science, and keep the health of the natural world at the forefront.

Allen Skinner, founder of Soil Life Organics, has studied with Dr. Elaine R. Ingham (a world-leading soil biologist) to develop his methods which align with biological processes that occur naturally in the environment, without the need for fertilizers and chemicals.

“Optimal results will be achieved when our growing methods align with how Mother Nature does it.”

- Allen Skinner, Founder/President of Soil Life Organics

Please visit soillife.net for more information!

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Our Partners

Fishweir Brewing Co: MHFM could not exist without the help and encouragement of our generous hosts, Fishweir Brewing Co! The brewery creates clean, locally inspired beer, and hosts regular community events.

Apple Rabbit Compost: One of our goals as MHFM is to help close the loop from farm-to-table, back to the farm! Apple Rabbit is a community composting company which does just that.

Learn more about these two businesses by visiting their websites.